Maritony De Olazo: Giving the Gift of Life through Blood Donation

Through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program, Amway Philippines conducts an annual blood donation drive in partnership with Philippine Red Cross (PRC). This year's blood drive events were held in the cities of Cagayan de Oro and Makati on April 2022. The two events yielded a total of 35 blood bags.

The 40 participants of blood drive 2022 included staff member volunteers and ABOs. Maritony De Olazo, Special Events Supervisor at Amway Philippines, is one of this year's donors. She frequently joins Amway-sponsored blood donation drives and also makes time for those held outside the company.


She strongly believes that donating blood is a worthwhile activity that greatly benefits both the donors and its recipients. As the niece of someone who has battled stage 4 cancer, she has repeatedly witnessed the revitalizing power of transfusion. Through this experience, she has seen that blood donation not only extends lives but also improves the recipient's quality of life.

Aside from her uncle, other relatives have also needed blood or platelet transfusion at some point in their lives. This intensified her drive to help others by giving blood. It has become her lifelong advocacy. She sees it as a concrete way to help other cancer patients and those who live with other chronic illnesses.